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Brush Turkey Breeding Season: What You Need To Know In 2023

A male Australian Brushturkey during breeding season Flickr
A male Australian Brushturkey during breeding season Flickr from

As the year 2023 approaches, many bird enthusiasts and nature lovers are eagerly anticipating the start of the brush turkey breeding season. This is an exciting time for those who appreciate the beauty and diversity of the natural world, as it offers a chance to observe one of Australia's most fascinating and unique avian species in action. In this article, we will explore the key features of the brush turkey breeding season, from the timing of the event to the behavior and habits of these intriguing birds.

When Does Brush Turkey Breeding Season Begin?

The brush turkey breeding season typically begins in late winter or early spring, which in Australia falls between August and October. During this time, male brush turkeys begin to construct large mounds of vegetation and soil, which they will use as a nesting site. These mounds can reach up to two meters in height and five meters in diameter, making them an impressive sight in the Australian bushland.

Why Do Brush Turkeys Build Mounds?

The purpose of the brush turkey's mound is two-fold. Firstly, it serves as a form of courtship display, attracting female brush turkeys to the area. Secondly, the heat generated by the decomposing vegetation and soil helps to incubate the eggs once they have been laid, ensuring that the offspring are kept warm and protected during the incubation period.

How Do Brush Turkeys Attract Mates?

Male brush turkeys use a variety of techniques to attract female mates during breeding season. One of the most common is the use of a loud, booming call, which can be heard from several kilometers away. The male will also spend a significant amount of time building and tending to his mound, which serves as a physical indicator of his fitness and ability to provide for potential offspring.

What Happens Once a Female Brush Turkey is Attracted?

Once a female brush turkey is attracted to a male, she will typically visit his mound to inspect it and assess his suitability as a mate. If she is satisfied, she will lay her eggs in the mound and cover them up with vegetation and soil. From this point on, the male will take over the task of incubating the eggs, using the heat generated by the decomposing vegetation and soil to keep them warm and protected.

What is the Role of the Female in Brush Turkey Breeding?

While the male brush turkey is responsible for building and tending to the mound, the female plays a vital role in the breeding process. Once she has laid her eggs, she will leave the nest and return to her own territory, where she will continue to forage and feed. It is the male's responsibility to incubate the eggs, protect the nest from predators, and care for the offspring once they hatch.

How Many Eggs Does a Brush Turkey Lay?

A female brush turkey typically lays between 12 and 14 eggs during the breeding season. These eggs are relatively large, measuring around 6 centimeters in length and 4 centimeters in diameter. Once the eggs have been laid, the male will carefully arrange them in the mound, using his beak to ensure that they are positioned correctly for optimal incubation.

What Threats Do Brush Turkeys Face During Breeding Season?

Like all wildlife, brush turkeys face a range of threats during the breeding season. One of the most significant is habitat loss, as the destruction of bushland and other natural environments can make it difficult for them to find suitable nesting sites. Other threats include predation from foxes, feral cats, and other introduced predators, as well as competition from other brush turkeys for nesting sites and mates.

How Can We Help Protect Brush Turkeys During Breeding Season?

There are several steps that we can take to help protect brush turkeys during breeding season. These include preserving natural habitats, controlling introduced predators, and minimizing disturbance to nesting sites. By working together to protect these remarkable birds, we can help to ensure that they continue to thrive in the Australian bushland for generations to come.


The brush turkey breeding season is a fascinating and exciting time for bird lovers and nature enthusiasts alike. From the construction of the impressive nesting mounds to the booming calls of the male birds, there is much to see and appreciate during this annual event. By learning more about the habits and behaviors of these remarkable birds, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the natural world and the importance of protecting it for future generations.

So, if you're planning on visiting Australia in 2023, be sure to keep an eye out for the brush turkey breeding season – it's an experience that you won't want to miss!

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