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Do Male Reindeer Lose Antlers In Winter?

Do Male Reindeer Lose Their Antlers In The Winter
Do Male Reindeer Lose Their Antlers In The Winter from

Reindeer are fascinating creatures that are known for their unique characteristics, particularly their antlers. Many people wonder if male reindeer lose their antlers in the winter. In this article, we will explore the answer to this question and provide some interesting facts about reindeer.

The Antlers of Reindeer

Reindeer are the only species of deer where both males and females have antlers. However, male reindeer have much larger antlers than females. The antlers of male reindeer can grow up to 51 inches in length and 40 inches in width, and can weigh up to 33 pounds. Their antlers are made of bone, and they grow and fall off each year.

The Growth of Antlers

The growth of antlers in male reindeer is a fascinating process. Each year, the antlers begin to grow in the spring and reach their full size by late summer. During this time, the antlers are covered in a layer of velvet, which provides a blood supply to the growing bone. Once the antlers are fully grown, the velvet dries up and falls off, revealing the hard bone underneath. The antlers then stay on the reindeer until the following spring.

Do Male Reindeer Lose Antlers in Winter?

Contrary to popular belief, male reindeer do not lose their antlers in the winter. In fact, they keep their antlers throughout the winter months and shed them in the spring. This is different from other species of deer, where males typically shed their antlers in the late fall or early winter. The reason for this difference is related to the mating habits of reindeer.

The Mating Habits of Reindeer

Male reindeer use their antlers to compete with other males for mates during the breeding season. The larger and more impressive the antlers, the more likely a male is to mate. This means that it is beneficial for male reindeer to keep their antlers throughout the winter, as they may need to compete for mates at any time.

Female reindeer, on the other hand, do not need antlers for mating and often shed their antlers in the fall. This allows them to conserve energy during the winter months, as antlers are heavy and require a lot of energy to grow and maintain.

The Importance of Reindeer Antlers

Antlers are an important part of reindeer biology and play a significant role in their survival. In addition to being used for mating, antlers are also used for defense against predators and foraging for food. Reindeer are herbivores, and their antlers are used to scrape away snow and ice to reach food that is buried beneath the surface.

Interesting Facts About Reindeer

Here are some interesting facts about reindeer that you may not have known:

  • Reindeer are found in the arctic and subarctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America.
  • They are also known as caribou in North America.
  • Reindeer have a unique circulatory system that allows them to regulate body temperature and keep their feet warm in cold temperatures.
  • They are social animals and often form large herds during the winter months.
  • Reindeer have been domesticated by humans for thousands of years and are used for transportation, milk, and meat.


In conclusion, male reindeer do not lose their antlers in the winter. They keep their antlers throughout the winter months and shed them in the spring. Antlers are an important part of reindeer biology and play a significant role in their survival. We hope that this article has provided you with some interesting facts about reindeer and their antlers.

Remember, always respect wildlife and their habitat.

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