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The Difference Between Savanna And Temperate Grassland

Grassland Ecosystem
Grassland Ecosystem from

Welcome to our article about the difference between savanna and temperate grassland. In this article, we will explore the unique characteristics of these two types of grasslands and how they differ from each other. Whether you're a student, researcher, or just someone who's interested in grasslands, this article is for you!

What is Savanna?

Savanna is a type of grassland that is characterized by its warm climate and scattered trees. This type of grassland is found in regions with a tropical climate, such as Africa, South America, and Australia. The grasses in a savanna are typically tall and coarse, and they can grow up to 12 feet tall!

One of the unique features of a savanna is the presence of large herbivores, such as elephants, giraffes, and zebras. These animals graze on the tall grasses and help to maintain the ecosystem. In addition to large herbivores, savannas are also home to a variety of predators, such as lions, hyenas, and cheetahs.

Characteristics of Savanna

  • Warm climate
  • Scattered trees
  • Tall and coarse grasses
  • Large herbivores
  • Predators

What is Temperate Grassland?

Temperate grassland is a type of grassland that is found in regions with a temperate climate, such as North America, Europe, and Asia. Unlike savannas, temperate grasslands do not have scattered trees. The grasses in a temperate grassland are typically shorter and finer than those in a savanna.

One of the unique features of a temperate grassland is the presence of grazing animals, such as bison, antelope, and prairie dogs. These animals help to maintain the ecosystem by grazing on the grasses and keeping them from becoming too tall.

Characteristics of Temperate Grassland

  • Temperate climate
  • No scattered trees
  • Shorter and finer grasses
  • Grazing animals

How Do Savanna and Temperate Grassland Differ?

While savannas and temperate grasslands may share some similarities, there are several key differences between these two types of grasslands.

One of the biggest differences between savannas and temperate grasslands is the climate. Savannas are found in regions with a tropical climate, while temperate grasslands are found in regions with a temperate climate. This difference in climate leads to differences in the types of grasses that grow in each region.

Another difference between savannas and temperate grasslands is the presence of trees. Savannas have scattered trees, while temperate grasslands do not have any trees. This difference in vegetation can have a significant impact on the ecosystem of each region.

The types of animals that live in savannas and temperate grasslands also differ. Savannas are home to large herbivores, such as elephants and giraffes, while temperate grasslands are home to grazing animals, such as bison and antelope.

The Importance of Grasslands

Grasslands are an important ecosystem that provide habitat for a variety of animals and plants. They also play a critical role in regulating the Earth's climate by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Despite their importance, grasslands are under threat from a variety of factors, including climate change, habitat destruction, and overgrazing. It is important for us to protect and preserve these ecosystems for future generations.


In conclusion, savannas and temperate grasslands are two types of grasslands that differ in climate, vegetation, and animal life. Understanding the unique characteristics of these ecosystems can help us to better appreciate the diversity of life on Earth and the importance of protecting these ecosystems for future generations. Remember, we all have a part to play in protecting our planet!

Thank you for reading!

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