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What To Do If You Find A Baby Bush Turkey

baby bush turkey Tiere
baby bush turkey Tiere from

Have you ever come across a baby bush turkey in your backyard or during a hike? If so, you may be wondering what to do to help the little bird. In this article, we’ll provide you with some tips on how to care for a baby bush turkey and ensure its safety.

Identifying a Baby Bush Turkey

Bush turkeys are native to Australia and are also known as scrub turkeys or brush turkeys. The baby bush turkey, also called a chick or poult, is usually brown or black and has a fluffy appearance. They are often found wandering around aimlessly, looking for their mother.

Assess the Situation

If you come across a baby bush turkey, the first thing you should do is assess the situation. Is the bird injured or in distress? Is it alone or with other birds? If the bird is injured or in distress, you should contact a wildlife rescue organization for assistance. If the bird is alone, it may be lost or abandoned, and you can provide assistance.

Providing Care for a Baby Bush Turkey

If you decide to provide care for a baby bush turkey, there are several things you should keep in mind. Firstly, it’s important to keep the bird warm and comfortable. You can do this by placing a towel or blanket in a box or container and lining it with dry grass or leaves. Make sure the container has holes for air circulation and is placed in a warm and quiet area.

The next step is to provide food and water for the bird. It’s essential to provide the right food for the chick, such as insects, worms, and small seeds. You can also give them a mixture of scrambled eggs and cooked rice. Baby bush turkeys require a lot of protein to grow and develop properly, so it’s essential to provide a high-protein diet.

When it comes to water, you can provide a shallow dish with clean water for the bird. Make sure the dish is not too deep, as baby bush turkeys can drown in deep water. Change the water frequently to ensure it’s clean and fresh.

Reuniting the Bird with its Mother

If you’re unsure whether the baby bush turkey is truly abandoned, you can wait and observe from a distance. The mother bird may return to collect her chick, especially if she hears it calling out. You can also try to reunite the bird with its mother by placing the chick in a safe location and observing from a distance. If the mother bird returns and collects her chick, you’ve done a great job!


Encountering a baby bush turkey can be a unique and exciting experience. If you decide to provide care for the bird, it’s essential to keep it warm, comfortable, and well-fed. Always remember to contact a wildlife rescue organization if the bird is injured or in distress. By following these tips, you can help ensure the safety and well-being of the baby bush turkey and make a positive impact on wildlife conservation.

Remember, it’s illegal to keep native wildlife as pets, and it’s essential to return them to the wild as soon as possible.

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