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Do Alligators Hold Their Breath?

How do alligators breathe underwater?
How do alligators breathe underwater? from

For centuries, people have been fascinated by alligators, one of the most intimidating creatures on earth. While many of us have seen them in zoos, movies, or even in the wild, there are still many questions to be answered about these creatures. One such question is whether or not alligators hold their breath. In this article, we will explore this topic in detail and provide you with all the information you need to know.

What Makes Alligators Unique?

Alligators are one of the few animals on earth that can breathe underwater. They have a specialized respiratory system that allows them to stay underwater for an extended period of time. Unlike humans, who have lungs that need to be filled with air every few seconds, alligators can remain underwater for up to two hours without coming up for air.

How Do Alligators Hold Their Breath?

When an alligator wants to hold its breath, it closes its nostrils and shuts its glottis, which is the opening between its mouth and lungs. This prevents water from entering the lungs and allows the alligator to remain underwater for an extended period of time.

Additionally, alligators have a higher tolerance for carbon dioxide than humans. This means that they can continue to hold their breath even if the level of carbon dioxide in their bloodstream rises, which would cause a human to feel the urge to breathe.

Why Do Alligators Hold Their Breath?

Alligators hold their breath for a variety of reasons. One reason is to avoid detection by prey. When hunting, alligators will submerge themselves underwater and wait for unsuspecting prey to come close. By holding their breath, they can remain hidden and undetected.

Another reason alligators hold their breath is to regulate their body temperature. Alligators are cold-blooded animals, which means that their body temperature is affected by the temperature of their surroundings. By submerging themselves in water, alligators can cool down their body temperature and avoid overheating.

Can Alligators Drown?

Contrary to popular belief, alligators can drown. While they have a unique respiratory system that allows them to stay underwater for an extended period of time, they still need to come up for air eventually. If an alligator is trapped underwater or if it is unable to reach the surface for air, it can drown.

What Happens When an Alligator Drowns?

When an alligator drowns, its body sinks to the bottom of the water. Over time, the gases in its body will expand, causing it to float to the surface. This is why it is not uncommon to see dead alligators floating in bodies of water.


Alligators are fascinating creatures that have a unique respiratory system that allows them to stay underwater for extended periods of time. While they can hold their breath for up to two hours, they can still drown if they are unable to come up for air. Whether you are studying alligators or simply fascinated by them, understanding their ability to hold their breath is an important aspect of their biology.

So, do alligators hold their breath? Yes, they do, and they do it in a way that is both fascinating and unique.

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